Queer Games Bundle 2022
So excited and proud to have TetrEscape in this year's Queer Games Bundle—along with over 500 other games, programs, and zines from other queer creators!
The bundle is live now on Itch.io, and there is also a pay-what-you-can edition! Thank you all so much for supporting queer game developers and creators!

It's Time To TetrEscape!
The wait is over! It's time to seek a way out!
TetrEscape is rolling out now on Google Play, the Chrome Web Store, Itch.io, and in your browser! Go grab your preferred version and get escaping!

TetrEscape Releases This Week
We're in the final countdown to TetrEscape! Thanks to everyone who's supported us along the way, and we hope you're looking forward to escaping some rooms this Friday the 13th!

Introducing The InProd Discord
Times are still tough and isolating right now, but we're adding another way to stay connected. If you want to chat with other designers, developers, or players—about our productions, or about whatever you've been up to so far this year—hop into our new Discord server and hang out!

ROC Game Fest Returns!
Remember when ROC Game Fest got postponed last fall? Well it's THIS MONTH, and we're gonna BE THERE!
Join us Saturday, February 19th from 12-5 P.M. in the RIT MAGIC building. It's completely free to attend, however you will need to show proof of vaccination and wear a mask at all times.

Happy New Year!
Here's hoping for better things in 2022!
(Better things like let's please get everyone vaccinated so we can safely go to cons again and have the mental bandwidth to finish some new games!)
Unfortunately, our first convention since 2019 will have to wait. Stay tuned for updates on when and how ROC Game Fest 2021 will happen, as well as on the things we were planning to announce on October 2nd...
ROC Game Fest Online Show
The ROC Game Fest Online Show is tomorrow!
We'll be there, of course, as will tons of our ROC Game Dev friends—so be sure to tune in at twitch.tv/ROCGameFest!
Edit: The recording is now up on YouTube.
Workshop Scramble Anniversary Update
Can you believe Workshop Scramble is 3 years old?? Neither could I, because it's only 2 years old; this year has just apparently destroyed my ability to calculate time. Anyway, while a lot of inProd priorities had to shift due to *gestures vaguely at the state of the world right now*, I wanted to do something slightly positive at the end of the year, so Scramble is getting a free anniversary update that adds the COVID-19 relief workshop. In fact, the entire game will remain free as long as we are in lockdown. In Workshop Scramble's spirit of helping people in need around holidays, this unranked mode links you to charities you can donate to after you finish playing so your impact can extend beyond the game world.
Stay safe, take care, and see you with some new stuff in the new year 💝
Happy Pride Month
Sorry for the radio silence—COVID-19 threw a wrench in 2020 inProd plans, but talking about that can wait. For now, in light of current events and Pride Month, just want to reiterate:
Black Lives Matter.
Gay Lives Matter.
Trans Lives Matter.
Queer Lives Matter.
Games are for everyone.
ROC Game Fest Spring CANCELLED
Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 State of Emergency in Monroe County, ROC Game Fest Spring has been cancelled. The public unveiling of our new inverted productions will have to wait a bit longer; for now, stay safe and stay healthy!
RMSC Local Games Showcase
Looking for something to do this weekend? Workshop Scramble will be at the Rochester Museum & Science Center tomorrow (Saturday) from 11 A.M. to 3 P.M. along with some other #ROCGameDev friends! It's great excuse to visit a neat museum and play some video games made by local developers!
No tricks, only treats today!
With ten days to go until Halloween, Jack's Workshop is opening up to helpers! The Workshop Scramble update is starting to roll out across Android, Chrome OS, and Windows, and as a bonus treat, all game modes are FREE for a limited time!
ROC Game Fest 2019
Wow, it's already ROC Game Fest week! It's THIS SATURDAY in the RIT MAGIC building, and it's your first chance to see the next big update to Workshop Scramble!
Light & Sound Interactive
If you are at Light & Sound Interactive this week, Workshop Scramble will be one of the local games demo'ing at tomorrow (Tuesday) night's eSports event! Come say hi!
Workshop Scramble For Chrome OS
As revealed at ROC Game Fest Spring on Saturday, Workshop Scramble is now available on Chrome OS, in addition to the 2.1 update being available on Android and Windows! You can get it now on the Chrome Web Store.
ROC Game Fest Spring
The ROC Game Fest Spring Mini Show is TOMORROW at the Irondequoit Public Library! Workshop Scramble will be playable there, and there'll be stickers!
Happy Valentine's Update Day!
Happy update day! The Cupid's Workshop update is rolling out now on the Google Play Store and the Microsoft Store! If you already own Workshop Scramble, the new update is completely free, so hop in and help save Valentines Day!
Happy Holidays!
Happy Winter Solstice! As you might have seen on the inProd social media feeds, a new game is being delivered for the holidays! Workshop Scramble has you helping the elves in Santa's workshop assemble toys for the good kids of the world. It's a fast-paced arcade-y, puzzle-y mobile game, and you can grab it right now on the Google Play Store or Microsoft Store!
Officially, this is an early-access open beta, but stay tuned for the official release on Christmas, with a few features that aren't ready for prime time just yet. If you want to keep up with the latest news on this particular game, you can follow Workshop Scramble on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!
*Static Crackle*
Hello? Is this thing still on?
It has been quite a while, but inProd is back and better than ever with a new site, new logo, and new games! Site changes are still going to be rolling out over the next couple weeks, but the bigger news is the annoucement of our new game, Banana Split, a tasty twist of third-person shooting and real-time strategy for sweet multiplayer action! Follow Banana Split on Facebook, Google+, Instagram, or Twitter for updates as work on the game continues, or if you are in the area, come try it for yourself at ROC Game Fest in Rochester, New York on September 30th!
For general inProd news, our old Facebook and Google+ feeds are back up and running, along with our new Instagram and Twitter, and for those who have been with us since the very beginning, you might remember our very first game, Legitimate Tower Defense.
That is all for now. Stay tuned for more in the coming months, but for now, thanks for welcoming us back into your Internet :)
Post was edited to update social media URLs.
Website Upgrade
For a while now we have had an experimental HTML5/CSS3-based version of our home page available. Today, we are bringing that to the rest of our site. In addition, the site has been mostly rebuilt behind-the-scenes. For those of you who do not speak geek, that means a faster, prettier, and more responsive site. Game pages have been fixed up, and other parts of the site have been spiced up with little animations. We hope you enjoy the improved experience as well as other improvements to the site coming over the next month or so.
Note: This update also means we are no longer supporting older versions of Internet Explorer. If the site looks a bit wonky in your Internet Exploror browser, you will need to download the Chrome Frame plug-in.
Happy Wintereenmas!
Tonight is the last night of Wintereenmas, the video gamers' holiday. To celebrate, we are releasing the beta of our latest game: Inverse Missile Defense.

Inverse Missile Defense is based on missile defense games, but played from the opposite perspective. Instead of defending a planet from missiles raining down, you play as an alien ship trying to destroy the planet's inhabitants before they destroy you. This game is being released as a beta, meaning we intend to add more features in the future.
And finally, all of us at inProd would like to wish you a happy Wintereenmas!
New Year's Update
Happy new year! We hope you all had a great Chanukah/Christmas/Festivus/Kwanzaa/[insert your holiday here] and new year's. Today, inProd has some post-new year's presents to extend that fun time of year.

First off, all our games have WaveThis buttons among the list of sharing options. Until recently, clicking one would create a wave with a link to the game, but now we are taking advantage of the capabilities of Google Wave and actually putting the game in the wave. Now you can share not just links to our games, but our games themselves with your friends on Google Wave.
(Note that a few games do not work as wave gadgets and therefore cannot be embedded in waves.)
Second, we have added comments to all of our games. Now if you want to say something about one of our games, you can do it more easily than ever before.
We have one other big annoncement that has unfortunately been delayed slightly. It will hopefully be finished before the end of the month.
We hope you will enjoy everything we announced today and look forward to bringing you more new productions in this new year.
Now Share This!
As those of you who follow us on Google Buzz or Facebook have heard, we have made it easier to share games you liked with your friends. Whenever you are playing a game, just scroll to the bottom of the page and click one of the buttons to quickly share it on sites like Facebook and Twitter.
But that's not all that's new today! If you take a look at the Productions page, you can see that we have redesigned it. It now features screenshots and descriptions for games and is overall nicer to look at.
One final thing to mention: This is the last update that will happen at inprod.webs.com. That's right, we are finally moving to inprod.co. The Webs site will remain up for several months to allow those who have not done so to update their bookmarks and then it will eventually go offline. We hope this change allows us to bring you even more great stuff in the relatively near future.
Facebook and HTML5
It has been a little over a month since we started our buzz and it would appear that the buzz platform has not been as popular as we or Google expected. So now we are launching another way for you to get inProd updates: Starting today we will post updates on our Facebook page just like we do on buzz. And if you would like us to use another service as well (Twitter, perhaps?), just email us.
One more website update: you may have noticed that the link to the HTML5 version of our home page is back, and this time we have really taken advantage of the features of HTML5 and CSS3. You will notice that the page loads faster, looks crisper, and has some nice new features like new animations. If your browser supports HTML5 and CSS3, please give it a try and let us know what you think. Unfortunately HTML5 is still not completely supported in all browsers, but the new page should work in several major browsers including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Internet Explorer with the Google Chrome Frame plug-in.
More Stuff
Hi. I know it has been a while since the last time the site was updated, but I can assure you we have still been working on new productions. One is being released as a beta today. It is currently called The Fast Game and is a tile-based box-pushing game with some interesting twists. We still need to work on balencing the levels and adding a title screen, but feel free to try it out and send feedback.
And speaking of feedback, you can now more easily send feedback. On each production's page, there is a "Send feedback" link. Just click it and you will be able to send email to the people who worked on that game. In addition, each person's name in the credits now links to his entry on the People page, so you can directly mention the person who worked on the area you are giving feedback about.
And while on the subject of the People page, you can see if you look at it that I finally updated it with the 2009-2010 inProd team. But those are not the only updates to the site. Changes have also been made to make text on pages more consistent and to optimize pages for search engines. Hopefully this will help you to have a better idea of where you are in the site.
Finally, an update on the state of our games. I want to assure you that we ARE doing work. That project we keep not telling you about is coming along nicely, as is another game which is not incredibly new, but is still tons of fun. We hope to have the game complete and the project in beta by this summer—no promises though. The Inverse Tower Defense team has had some issues, but that game will hopefully be back on track soon. And speaking of inverted games, Inverse Cube Runner has been updated. In addition to some bug fixes it now takes up less space on the screen and has part of the debug mode made available for people who like things like that.
So that is an update of what has been going on in inProd. Oh, one more new thing. Since writing these posts takes soooooo much effort, I will try posting shorter posts more often on the new inProd Buzz.
New Game!
A new game has been added! This is the first game in our “Inverted” series—games that “invert” the roles of the player and the computer in popular games. This game is going to be in beta for a little bit longer while we iron out some more bugs. The over time, we will also improve the AI and (hopefully) the graphics.
New Games And Small Site Change
If you go to the Productions section of the website, you will see that there is now a table of our productions rather than the old list. This allows you to quickly sort the items by type and status, rather than just by name. That way if, for example, you have Java, but not Flash Player, you can sort the list to see which games are Java. In addition, a new game, Lagrange, has been added. This game was created by a friend of ours. It puts a twist on normal shooters by not allowing you shoot directly at your opponent and instead forcing you to use the gravity of three planets of varying sizes to pull your shot to its target. The game is still a work in progress, but feel free to give it a try. A new version is in the works with better physics, a title screen, and the ability to start a new game from inside the game (right now you have to refresh the page). Finally, we have announced a new game, Inverse Tower Defense. This game is still very early in development, but we wanted to let you know that we are working on new games. And on top of the, we have a really big project we are working on. More about that later...
The next time you visit the Inverted Productions home page, you may notice a new link to the left that takes you to an HTML5 version of the page. This is still experimental, and there is no major visible evidence of the change (except if your browser does not support HTML5 yet), but eventually this will be applied to the official site and will make it easier to add HTML5 features like video, audio, and vector graphics (graphics that stay sharp and do not pixelate when zoomed) without the need for plug-ins. Note that this is currently only available for the home page, not all pages.
RSS Fixes
As you can see if you are viewing this on the news page, there are now buttons at the top of the page for quickly subscribing to the feed via iGoogle, Google Reader, My Yahoo!, myAOL, or Windows Live. I might add more if needed. Of course, you can also click the link on the line above those buttons in a browser like Firefox or Internet Explorer (7 or higher) that supports RSS to view the feed there. In addition, I fixed the problem that used to cause errors when some RSS aggregators tried to read the feed.
New URL and BTS Improvements
The site has, for now, been moved to http://inprod.webs.com. Please check the new site to make sure there is nothing I forgot to move to the new URL (missing images, glitching code, etc.). Some behind-the-scenes changes have also been made. These include replacing Dreamweaver's huge block of JavaScript with a simple three-line function I wrote myself and some minor changes to the CSS. These changes will have no major effect on the appearence of the site and not mean much to non-geeks. Finally, this will be the last update on the old site. After this, it will stay in its current state until John decides to delete it from his server.
MORE Site Improvements
The navigation bar has been moved to the top and enlarged in response to feedback. The buttons also now respond when you hover over them. The old “low effort” demo of The Two-Player Game has been uplaoded and screenshot slideshows have been added on the Games page.
Site Improvements
The site has been updated with new navigation buttons and graphics. I hope they will be to your liking. If you have any suggestions, please contact us at feedback+site@inprod.co.
Welcome to the official site of Inverted Productions (bringing you great games since a month ago). This is a prototype website, which I hope you will find to your liking. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.